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A Yoga Book Club are two main spins on a yoga book club. You can choose to become "the yoga group" and participate in some variation of a yoga class, even if you teach it to each other, or you can be a yoga book group where most of the focus is on reading and most of the practicing the positions takes place on your own time....more
The Essence Of Kundalini Yoga
...and Chidakasha, all derivatives of the word akasha which means sky in Sanskrit. Mahakasha means the space outer to oneself. Then comes Chittakasha or Mental Space, which is the abode of all thoughts, dreams and imaginations. All experiences at this level are hallucinations when compared to genuine sp...more
How Do Men's Fitness Routines Differ From Those Of Women's?
...tomach and hence have higher percentages of body fat on an average. This is why most women prefer to do exercises to increase their muscle tone and flexibility rather than bulk up and incur injuries by lifting too much.Men on the other hand tend to be less flexible because of their natural body structure and also in attitude. Mos...more
An Overview of Yoga
... "eight limbs". These eight steps (limbs) basically act as guidelines on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. They serve as a prescription for moral and ethical conduct and self-discipline; they direct attention toward one's health; and they help us to acknowledge the spiritual aspects of our nature.Although complimentary with most spiritual paths, ...more
Keep on Laughing – Inside the World of Laughter Yoga!
...aughter Yoga movement practices what he preaches. He travels the world educating people on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits of Laughter Yoga. A typical Laughter Yoga Session involves many educational and physical expeiences. When you attend your first Laughter Yoga session you will be greeted by ...more
