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Finding and Releasing the Energy of the Mind
...ges of meditation, yoga, tai chi and other physical/mental pursuits is that we learn to heighten the awareness of our vibrations and the utilize resulting energies. Like any other learned skill, the energy of the mind can be mastered, just as we master the asana’s of yoga.A friend of mine who has taught tai chi for thirty years told me recently that his strength and agility had taken a quantum le...more
Practicing Yoga Can Help Children Appreciate the Environment
...certain birds look for worms rather than eat birdseed.It sounds so simplistic, but this really works. Take a child away from their electronic music/game gizmo for a while and place them in this state of rest and they will begin to appreciate their world. Yoga is the fulcrum by which children can receive exercise, relax, and learn to “smell the flowers again”. Don’t we owe ...more
Yoga: Poses And Postures the key is to relax and clear your mind. Not thinking about the difficulty of the pose itself—releasing tension—that is the mental aspect of several complex positions—without which many Yoga poses would be virtually impossible to hold.This is one of the most well known Yoga postures. However, there are many. Including, as I mentioned before, many floor Yoga poses. Focus and breat...more
Ashtanga Yoga
...his form of Ashtanga Yoga, there are six different series through which a student progresses at his or her own pace. This type of Yoga entails daily Vinyasa flow practice, using Ujjayi breathing, Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, and Drishti.Ashtanga Yoga is known to help realign the spine, as well as detoxify the body, and also b...more
Dahn Yoga - Yoga for the Soul
...mmunicate fully with their body, thus enriching their lives to the full.Allied with the body’s natural healing ability, this is enhanced through stimulating energies that connect the physical body to the conscious mind.Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dahn Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual h...more
