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Yoga Accessories- Getting What You Really Need
...u are a beginner.One of the least mentioned, but what I feel is one of the most important yoga accessories, is a water bottle. During your practice, your body will likely sweat and release toxins. Water is necessary to help you flush out the toxins and replenish any lost fluids. After your practice you will probably be thirsty, so cool, refreshing water will seem like a wonderfu...more
Get a Healthy Weight Loss through Yoga
...e very simple to learn and just about anyone, regardless of their fitness or flexibility levels can learn these simple exercises.Here are some of their benefits:-They alleviate disorders of the skin and waist.-They are the best way to burn calories and reduce weight and are often recommended for obe...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success
...ath awareness, or Pranayama, (Yogic breathing techniques), is the easiest path for new students to develop self-realization. If taught properly, a new Yoga student could develop the foundation of self-realization in one Yoga practice session.So, what is the benefit of self-realization? The beginning of the Yogic path is different for all of us. We come to our first Yoga ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Discount Offers and Free Classes
... a better deal down the street, her students would have evacuated in a “heart beat.” Forget about student loyalty, she could not get customer loyalty.What lessons have you learned from this? Never try to attract “customers” – instead cultivate Yoga classes with eager students who want to train with you, because they value Yoga. Yoga has many benefits, so why “sell it short?” Always rem...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Holistic Health
...spects of Yoga, is an example of our limited mental perceptions. The reality is we make these same mistakes when the mind is not disciplined and our comprehension is challenged to its limits.It is possible to miss the entire purpose of Yoga, if the mind is not trained and tutored properly. How many students will discipline themselves without the guidance...more


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