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Could a Blind Man Become a Yoga Teacher?
...the Yoga organization, which refused this gentleman the right to participate in their Yoga teacher training course, consulted their attorney before making such a decision? Honestly, I doubt it, and the idea of a Yoga organization showing discriminatory judgment goes against the purpose of Yoga.Yoga means union or unity. Where is the “unity” in discrimination? Discrimina...more
Which Type of Yoga is the Right Choice for You?
...every style of yoga practiced in the west is some form of Hatha Yoga. It includes asanas, breathing exercises, relaxation, and meditation. Each of the individual forms of yoga has a different emphasis, but classes usually include some combination of these elements.Ashtanga This is a very fast paced, intense style of yoga. It follow...more
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
... part of who we are.There are aspects of Yoga practice that come into play in this arena as well. As we move deeper into our practice, there are aspects above and beyond the asanas we perform together in our classes at Lotus7. Among these would be non-harming, truthfulness, non-stealing, and non-coveting. In fact there is a...more
Yoga for Fibromyalgia Sufferers - The Ups and Downs
...s often hectic, noise and distraction is everywhere. You can meditate in a chair, you do NOT have to sit is strange cross legged poses (Lotus or Half Lotus) often used to depict yoga participants.Exercise - in the form of slow, deliberate movements, held for a few seconds called ASANAS. The correct technique of each pose is vital and r...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga often known as one of the more easier paths of yoga. Bhakti yoga generally uses 9 Bhakti movements and its goal is moksha which means liberation.Karma is a term quiet familiar to western culture especially with the growth of the new age movements. Karma yoga is often called the discipline of action. There is good and bad karma. Karma is the law of ca...more


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