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Yoga Styles - Part 2
...rmed interesting modern styles such as naked yoga, chair yoga, laughter yoga and hip hop yoga. Instructors are very creative in inventing new fun styles. I'm positive there must be a yoga for everyone!No matter where you go, there are certain things you can do in general, to ensure a great yoga experience:1. Some studios will have mats incl...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...y mind, body, and spirit; are you trying to help your students reach a normal state? If that is your goal, you may just frustrate yourself and confuse your Yoga students in the process.The fact is: Yoga teachers should help students improve their lives, but the goals are really up to the students. You can teach goal setting skills...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – Standing Forward Bend the abdominal muscles and organs are toned and stimulated, giving relief to constipation. It also improves metabolism and circulation to the thyroid glands. People with good hip flexibility will find this asana relaxing and rewarding because the full inversion of the torso allows the spine to stretch, hanging passively from the hips. However, in most people, short hamstrings mus...more
What to Look for When Hiring a Yoga Teacher (Part 2) is fine for part of the class, but what about the Yoga student who learns visually? This student is looking around at the Yoga teacher and everyone else.Knowledge of alignment is not hard to learn, but some teachers get carried away with “their own demonstration” and forget about everyone in the room. If a Yoga student is showing poor posture, it should...more
Christian Yoga?
...rticular article covers a spectrum of opinions about mixing Christianity with Yoga. Even, if you don’t agree with a single opinion, it’s a good read, as long as you remain objective.Over the course of time, I have been lucky enough to teach, or practice, with someone from every known religious denomination; so the statement by a Professor Tiwari ...more


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