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Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga
...and blood sugar levels of an individual.On the mental level, yoga increases body awareness, provides relaxation for the mind and body and relieves muscle strains brought about by everyday stress. It may also relieve chronic stress patterns in the body, sharpen concentration and attention and "free the spirit".Even though yoga brings about a ton of benefits, it is advisable that you practice moder...more
Vedic Astrology - Finding Wealth and Right Livelihood in Your Chart
...teacher - all of the things that I do in my work with others.The second house ruler is also important as it represents the skills and abilities you use in your career. Again, I have the moon (Cancer) ruling the 2nd house (speech) with the Sun (Leo) ruling the third house of writing. So it is totally natural for me to make my ...more
And You Thought Yoga Was Just Stretching!
...rmore, it aims to liberate the spirit as the mind and spirit are equally involved in its practice.Yoga is indeed the oldest existing physical-culture system in the world. Besides being a systematic and scientifically proven path to attaining physical fitness, it delays aging, rejuvenates and improves one’s appearance, maintains suppleness and increases vitality and the creative part of ...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – Relief of Asthma Symptoms
... you can sit in a chair, including a wheelchair.What better way to illustrate how chair yoga has benefited those unable to attend a traditional yoga class than to tell it in their own words? Hi! I’m Sandy Rabinoff. I’m a 71 year-old grandmother and collection agent. I have been practicing chair yoga ...more
Yoga for Kids - Torment Of A Silent Mind
...ucate themselves on self control flexibility and coordination.Exercises for children have proven in some cases to assist slowing down Hyper active behaviours. Yoga has helped kids by channelling their impulses in a positive way. Yoga moves for minors differ just like that of the way adults practice. A couple of poses for children that work perfectly well ...more
