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Perform Random Acts of Kindness who donate their time to teach blind and elderly students. An inspiring case is one of our students, Teri Pike, who takes time to walk and tend to injured and abandoned Golden Retrievers at the local rescue center. She's featured in our spotlight this month. What a great example to set for us all!There are few endeavors we can undertake in th...more
Alternative Health Care Therapies
...inhalation of different aromas.2. Acupuncture/ acupressure – these two therapies are combined under one head because the function under the same premise, i.e. that the body has certain nodules or pressure points, which if blocked or stimulated can be efficient in curing pain and many other serious diseases.3. Herbal medicine – perhaps the most popular of a...more
Universal Principles of Yoga: Forgiveness
...s. Open your heart and bond with your children. Make time for family and friends. Shut the electronics off and work on your spiritual, mental, and physical health. Yoga is about good health in many different aspects.We live in an electronic world, but we know it is not entirely healthy. We cannot run and hide from electronics, consumerism, and materialism when we...more
How to Borrow from Yoga for Weight Loss
...eft leg forward. Keep the knees straight and bring the head down to the knees as in the third position.11. Raise the arms overhead and bend backward inhaling. As in Position 212. Exhale and drop the arms and relax.You have now completed one round. Perform as many rounds as possible in multiples of 3. Ideally you want to aim for 6 rounds min...more
Yoga And Meditation: A Healthy Combo For Healthy Life
...that helps you disassociate yourself from the outside world. This practice helps enhance your mental productivity.In today's fast moving world every one tries to improve his/her performance to keep up the pace with changes and in turn gets grappled with stress. Some of us simply perish due to our ignoran...more


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