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Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga
...d the Universe even depriving yourself of food, oxygen and sleep. Once your body attains flexibility, it will align with your needs and desires. "Samadhi", this is the highest state, to be one with God, the Nirvana state of raja yoga.While Ivengar focus on the right alignment and shape of the body and cling to it for extended period of time instead of changing poses li...more
How to Strengthen the Immune System with Yoga
...y. You may notice that you get far fewer illnesses when you have a regular yoga practice.Personally, I haven't been sick this year at all. I have been a little surprised just how well I have been. I do have a fairly high immune system, but normally I would have had a minor cold or at least a moment of ...more
Bikram Yoga - A Deep History and Understanding
...he beginning of the exercise, the Yogis stand upright for a while "do the standing postures", then the backbends, the forward bends, and the twists. Each pose is accompanied with breathing; Kapalabhati Breath (the fire breathe). In each pose, you stretch and strengthen your muscles, joints, and ligaments. A...more
Fitness Fusion - Yoga And Pilates Address Mind And Body Needs
...explains. "I would recommend seeking medical advice for any pre-existing conditions before beginning any type of exercise program."Pilates and yoga also have little impact on the joints. Both methods are designed to strengthen/tone muscles without impact on the knees and hips (as in aerobics/running). When d...more
Ripped Abs and No More Back Pain Series - Part I
...ngage the appropriate musculature for specific movements. Bad posture will spawn dysfunctional and compensation. Pilates and yoga inherently promote better flexibility, but how much is needed? Be careful as some yoga asanas engage extreme positions and could lead to promoting flexibility in areas that require stability, namely the lower lumbar. Improve the tension / length relationships o...more
