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Yoga Teacher Certification in New England
...rea. From Maine to Rhode Island, your options are wide open. Perhaps you are looking at obtaining a bikram yoga certification. Bikram yoga is a style of yoga that is performed in a heated room to improve body detoxification. If that sounds like your style, then a bikram yoga certification just might be for you.Maybe...more
Kids Yoga: Enhanced Goal Setting Techniques
...l, but every child wants to perform better in his or her next Yoga class. A little competitive drive is healthy for all of us, and children are naturally competitive by nature.Keeping the above points in mind, Yoga teachers should design classes for children that contain “Yoga Games.” Sure - parents are paying for Yoga classes, but how do you ca...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Mastering Your Communication Skills
... your students from the front of the Yoga class, communication, in its many forms, becomes very important. Students learn in different ways and at different paces. Some students will favor learning by sight, sound, or touch. No two students are exactly alike.Your demonstration, cueing, and assisting ski...more
Yoga as an Aid to Bust Stress
...better to learn yoga from a master who is good in yoga. Although it can be practiced on your own, we may not be sure about the correctness of the poses that we do. Hence initially it is better to learn from a master and then practice it at home when you find some time. Some people may have physical limitations to do some poses. Regular practice of yoga gives you an psychological edge ov...more
Arthritis Exercise - One Way to Relieve Pain & Stiffness in Your Joints (part 1)
...itiative or when asked.The types of exercises suggested vary; however, with all types of exercise the warm-up is the starting point. Warming up is best started with applying warm compresses to the joints, followed by mild stretching. Range of motion exercises, such as dance, are a very good start, as are low-impact aerobics. These can relieve stiffness and increase flexibility. Never d...more
