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Getting To Know Hatha Yoga
...a Yogi are known as Ashtanga Yoga because it follows the eight limbs which include the asana or the poses including the Lotus pose, easy pose, pelvic pose and easy pose. Some sectors however do not consider Hatha Yoga as Ashtanga Yoga since they believe it follows the six limbs.The literal meaning of Hatha Yoga refers to the use of opposite forces or energies much like the sun and moon ...more
The Mind – Body - Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga
... exercise and meditation with nutrition and improved mental outlook, which, then dispenses with damaging stress. Western medicine would rather treat the disease than look to the root cause, prescribe drugs, which then add side effects that are sometimes worse than the cure.A simple change in philosophy can make dramatic alterations in your life. By adding just 30-minutes of Yoga t...more
The Journey Of Yoga Through Mind
... knowledge then provides us with a more complete picture in which our responses to whatever situations confront us more accurately reflects what is truly present. There is a deeper engagement that goes beyond the vagrancies of the mind, the self doubt, the domination of our preconceptions and expectations, or our need for something to be a certain way.When we...more
Educated Decision Making in Exercising
...tching meditating, and relaxation techniques. You should be completely comfortable in loose clothing that will stretch with you. Yoga unites the mind and body; you are more aware of your movements, it teaches you meditation, and how to emphasize on your breathing, and muscle groups. Knowing forms of yoga will help you in every aspect of life. Y...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga
...side India, are no longer attached to Hinduism, but the spiritual aspect of Yoga is still readily apparent. Most serious Yoga practitioners are spiritually aware, and spiritually healthy, as a result of their own Yoga practice.Even though, Yogic philosophy does not conflict with any religion; moral codes such as Yama and Niyama exist within...more
