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Kegel Exercise for a Healthy Pregnancy exercises strengthen your pelvic muscles, which become weakened during childbirth. This could lead to bladder control problems.To find the correct muscles to target, pretend that you are trying to stop urinating. Squeeze those muscles for a few seconds and then relax. Repeat this every few seconds. It's ...more
Working Women & Their Fitness Regime
...n to hit the gym as desired. So it is advisable to even take up a normal exercise at home itself. Certain exercises like squats push ups, stomach crunches, triceps dips, shoulder press, bent over lateral raise can actually help to stay fit.Along with proper work outs it is necessary to also be eating a good and healthy diet. Working women at times are so busy with their work that they tend...more
Yoga To Avoid Lenses
...Namaskara (sun salutes), and Shavasana (rest pose).4. Sit straight in any comfortable posture. Stretch both your arms forward up to the shoulder Siddhasana, Sukhasana or Padmasana. This kriya increases stability and concentration of the mind, strengthens the optic nerves, and corrects weakness and certain disorders of the eyes. It cures insomnia if practiced...more
Yoga for Beginners: The Second Step of Yoga Practice
... some people get hurt practicing Hatha Yoga, while watching a DVD at the same time. It is not uncommon to hear that a beginning Yoga student was injured at home while practicing Yoga with a DVD.The truth is - DVD’s are great learning tools for Yoga teachers, Yoga teacher interns, and Yoga teacher training sessions. Until a “holographic Yoga teacher” is developed to guide ...more
Yoga Explained
...discipline from the beginning.Traditionally, knowledge of yoga and the permission to practice it or teach it has been passed down by gurus and students. The yoga tradition includes texts which explain the techniques and teachings of yoga. Many gurus write on the about it, either giving modern translations of texts, or explaining how their teachings should b...more


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