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Can you Lose Weight Without Exercising?
...n you Lose Weight Without Exercising? The answer is well, maybe. . . Eating less combined with exercise will allow you to lose weight and keep it off, but there are also some approaches that involve mind-body therapies that are worth a try. These approaches help control eating binges by identifying what causes them, and help...more
Branches Or Basics of Yoga
...nch of knowledge, the yoga of the mind and is both the most difficult and the most direct of the six branches. It is yoga of the mind, of wisdom, the path of the sage or scholar. The practitioners of Jnana Yoga develop their intellects by intensive study, particularly but not confined to, the yoga tradition and other spiritual t...more
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Tantra Yoga
...a little research first, and you may find the deeper truth about marketing.Finally, most Orthodox Hindus do not look favorably upon the Vamachara path. For religious fundamentalists, who are not Hindus, the Vamachara path of Tantra Yoga is the “smoking gun” of Yoga, but ironically they point the finger of suspicion toward Hatha Yoga (union by physical mastery) because of its global popular...more
Easing Stress Naturally - Practice Yoga
...enefits, it is advisable that you practice moderation as a beginner. Stretching out too far will not bring added benefits. Stop whenever you are not comfortable with a certain pose or feels unnecessary pain.To get the most out of your training, it is recommended that you seek the guidance of a credible authority before embark...more
The Philosophy of Yoga and How It Applies to Modern Society
...t for the modern age.Yoga takes a fourfold approach to the discovery of truth. Individual seekers are free to concentrate on a particular path that appeals more. In the west the path of Karma Yoga is popular as it allows seekers to progress through dedicated service. The essence of Karma Yoga is to work without attac...more
