
World Deutsch Online Shops Re D Spiritualita T Yoga


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How To Handle Stress?
...nsitive and freaking out every now and then with stress. I would like to be able to work and sleep and do other things that I need to do with steady progress. It gets all messed up when I am not steady. I get upset easily and then I lose my focus and balance. I can't concentrate, though I try to get back to my focus. I lose my sleeping routine and schedule. I hate it." The question is not clear ...more
Benefit of Yoga Part I
... upon objective observations. Indeed, in many places in the world, to be a yogic master of any credibility, one must be highly educated in the sciences, including physics and the biological sciences.This discussion on yoga as science is important for us to include because it allows us to sensibly ask the question: what are the benefits of yoga? After all, i...more
Tantric Yoga
...f one studied the art in depth, focusing on the original archaeologically found documents, he or she would find that Tantric Yoga is on a scale above most other forms of Yoga. The focus is on such a broad scale, such a massive possible format, that it surpasses all other forms in its point of purpose.Though actually putting the purpose of this age old art in words is difficult, it could possi...more
Why Not Try Bikram Yoga?
...quires a skilled instructor to get started, as these poses are more challenging than some. The high temperature is also key to the process. As a result, more than other forms, you'll need to take instruction at a yoga school or some of the higher end fitness clubs.You can easily learn more about Bikram yoga to a...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success
... my life is a lesson in defeat, and hopeless, it will be. On the other hand, if I see opportunities in life, and seize them, at the right time, I will live a life of success and abundance.There is no special entitlement to the path of success. The power to find it is in your mind, and a positive attitude will help you when the time is right. The practice of...more
