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Exercise Benefits for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
...algia. The two symptoms I am talking about are pain and anxiety. There is one exercise that that benefits Fibromyalgia sufferers more than any other and can provide relief to these two main symptoms. Yoga. Fibromyalgia and exercise can be incorporated in a way like no other to aid in your healing and complete recovery with the Ridfibromyalgia system. Yoga is one of the components....more
So Should I Do Yoga?
...Many of the poses and positions work to massage the organs, thus stimulating the body's detoxification process.Yoga has a reputation for flexibility, and deservedly so. But it can also develop strength. Developing strength is particularly important for women. Women tend to be more flexible than men, but not as strong, unless they...more
Yoga's Place in America
...ian descent. With native Indian people in short supply in the United States, they feel that they could not find or afford a guru of their own.But perhaps they need to let go of their views that gurus can only be Indian.In today's Westernized yoga traditions, who is better to be a guru to you than a Western practitioner? Only a Westerner can really und...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: My Yoga Students Do Not Want to Practice Pranayama
... very deep language, much like Sanskrit. Sometimes these two languages make me think of jewelry boxes within a larger jewelry box.Within the Japanese language, there is a word for teacher. We call him, or her, “sensei.” This literally means, “One who has been there before” or “One who knows the way.”The teacher is i...more
Astral Projection in Yoga Practices - How to Become One With Everything
...erconnectedness, and while a sense of separate identity ( you are still YOU) is clearly felt, there is a much stronger association with all other energy forces in the ethereal universe. In many respects, astral projection (and of course Yoga and meditation as well) has been long theorized to be a tool to t...more
