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How To Lose Belly Fat Using Yoga
...There are many different yoga positions that exercise the stomach muscles. These yoga positions are called asanas and some are more advanced than others. You need to assess your own skill and comfort level before trying certain asanas. If you are unsure you should start with one that seems easy and then work your way up once you have improved your strength and flexibility.Pa...more
Yoga For Weight Loss is more than just exercising. Yoga is an intentional union of the body, mind, and breath, to reach a better level of existence. Key points of focus are body balance, core strength, and flexibility.By centering yourself with yoga postures, and yogic breathing (Pranayama), you will begin to pay more attention to the body. Weight loss should not be simply about loo...more
Calm Comes Full Circle - How Meditation Enhances Yoga, and Vice Versa
... way to prepare the mind for meditation. Meditation relaxes the mind and body, preparing them for the physical demands of yoga. Together they form a circular relaxation technique that can renew the mind, body and spirit like nothing else.Getting the most out of your yoga routineTo get the most out of your yoga routine, take a few mi...more
Concentration and Meditation
...ome an enlightened yogi; it takes a long time, even many lives to get to that stage. But getting started and having benefits even at the physical level is reward enough.Although concentration is not meditation it is an essential step in the practice of yoga. It is essential for success in any effort in life. At the initial stages of meditation the books often advise to concentrate o...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 1
...ce up your schedule with special workshops or “pilot” classes. Yoga classes are much like spice; too many flavors can ruin your dish, or in this case, your class.Keeping student interest has always been a challenge for teachers of any subject. With fitness or Yoga, it is easy to get flocks of students during January, in North Americ...more


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