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Yoga is a Fun Way of Promoting a Healthier Looking Body intersect to form chakras. Pranayama (breathing control) helps to improve the flow of prana through our bodies by clearing the nadis (energy channels) to allow prana to flow through more easily. Meditation on a particular chakra can also bring about better flow of energy through it.Dedicated asana (posture practice) is a vehicle which can help us to regulate our breath...more
Weight Loss and Yoga - Estranged Bed Partners? up, then dig the thumbs into the tailbone and push the lumbar spine further up.2. Move the hands palms-down near or beside each ear. Press up into a U shape inverted position.The exercise will improve posture through strengthening the muscles along the spine. This would be very beneficial since people spend more than 90 percent of daily dayti...more
Practice Yoga to Develop Patience
...ed into the hospital for an emergency. So, you have accomplished nothing by raising your blood pressure, putting your life at risk, and driving to endanger others.Yoga teaches us to enjoy the present moment - regardless of the situation. Plan and prepare for delays by starting earlier or by making good use of time you spend waiting.An experienc...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Downward-Facing Dog
...o Downward-Facing Dog:1) Do not practice this yoga posture if you have Carpal tunnel syndrome; (It is compression of the median nerve at the wrist, which may result in numbness, tingling, weakness, or muscle atrophy in the hand and fingers. The disease typically affects the thumb, index, and middle f...more
Personal Trainer for Weight Loss? Try Yoga Instead
...estructive self-criticism. Over time, you can safely expand your capabilities and learn to accept and honor yourself without the harsh "no pain, no gain" attitude.While a yoga practice can certainly help increase your tolerance for uncomfortable situations, it is strictly a "no pain, no pain" endeavor....more
