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Modern Benefits of an Ancient Practice
...ry of yoga dates back millennia. It's believed that yoga originally developed in India. The word yoga is a Sanskrit word that roughly translates to "uniting." While it is connected to many Indian religions, it's not a religion itself. Yoga is regarded as both a philosophy and a science.The earliest discoveries of yogic positions are the Indus Valley seals. Dating to the third millennium B.C.,...more
Yoga - Heating Things Up For Maximum Effect
...act that the inventor of this type of yoga, Bikram Choudhury, forbids anyone other than his pupils to use the aforementioned term. Therefore, those teachers that have not attended Choudhury's school in India may not use this term at all, so these people have come up with the term "Hot Yoga" instead. No matter what...more
Yoga For Arthritis - Yoga Contributes To Pain Relief As It Builds Your Confidence
... to bend yourself into a pretzel to do some yoga to help your arthritis. Breathing and self-awareness is at the core of yoga, so even standing up and breathing is a yoga exercise called Mountain Pose. This pose, just standing up and bringing your body into alignment as much as you can for a few moments, will help your posture, which translates int...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement, for some people, it is also easy to take for granted, or forget, those who help us.Now, you may be thinking, "How do I fit Yogic philosophy into my lesson plan?" When is the best time to cover the basics of Yama and Niyama in a Hatha Yoga class? Will I bore the exercise-minded students, who want a "workout?"Cover a li...more
Facts About Yoga Business Coaching Services
...dios, and Yoga teachers, usually know where they need help, but still need practical solutions. Also, established Yoga studio owners may want to “recession proof” their business or increase their market share right now.Is this type of service geared toward new Yoga studios, as well? After years of Yoga training, and thousands of dollars, many new Yoga teachers need...more
