
Free Online Kriya Yoga Insruction


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Yoga Certification in New Jersey
... perhaps yoga instruction is for you. A good yoga teacher is a very valuable member of a community. You will find an enjoyable and challenging job in yoga.Basic yoga certification is a great way to get started. Learning to teach simple yoga techniques such as hatha yoga will help you get your foot in the door and build a basic clientele for your yoga s...more
Yoga for Relaxation
... Mercifully, our small efforts are graced with us connecting to a life-force that is divine and encompassing.Asanas urge us to see our body as divine, and to nurture health in this mortal temple. Yogic adepts understand that their body is flawed, however slender and toned it may look externally. This acknowledgement leads to les...more
Yoga Wedges- Boosting Your Yoga Skills
...ring one of the downward dog pose.It can also be used for other poses which pressurize your joints. While doing this pose it becomes a support system and can be made very easy. As pressure is provided on your joints and wrists, it helps in relieving stress from those tensed areas. It alleviates overstretching adding pressure on joints and removal of your problems ...more
Yoga Stories - I Am Connected
.... I even culled through old Billboard charts to see when popular songs were played to pinpoint when certain events of my life happened as my life sort of had a music track to it. I worked on the timeline for three months, and was able to finish up during this switchboard time.One particular evening, I got to reflecting on a certain experience, when I was in Iowa fo...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...the lower nature. They are - Ahimsa or non-violence , Satyam or truthfulness , Brahmacharya or moderation in all things (control of all senses), Asteya or non-stealing , Aparigraha or non-covetousness. Niyamas - or observances (Do's) are also divided into five and complete the ethical precepts. They are - Saucha or purity - this internal and external cleanliness, Santos...more
