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Finding and Releasing the Energy of the Mind
...ven further illustrating how the energies of the mind can effect change in many ways.When the mind is told something over and over it comes to believe it, whether it was true to begin with or not. Our minds are very literal; engrain the thought that your job is a pain in the neck, and pretty soon, everyday when you go to work a nagging pain b...more
Yoga for Fitness
...focus on breathwork, meditation and other disciplines, but for our discussion we will focus on Hatha Yoga. As you may have noticed, there are many forms of hatha Yoga. For the newcomer, the sheer number of types of yoga training may be a bit confusing. There is Bikram Yoga, Ashtanga, Iyengar, Power Yoga and many others.If you are feeling a little intimidated, don't be. Yoga...more
Yoga And Breathing For Stress Management
...ou will to bring your postures to life through the use of your breath.As human beings, our minds tend to wander into thoughts of the past and the future. However, our bodies exist only in the present. By practicing yoga, you will learn through your breath how to draw your mind back to your body and abandon all of your worries.One of the refreshing as...more
You Can Learn Yoga From A Yoga Retreat Destination
...unning around and planning. Why not try a week at a relaxing yoga retreat, where you will leave with a deep-seated serenity and awareness?You can go anywhere from India to Mexico in search of rejuvenation and spiritual connectedness. With a combination of yoga, massages, jacuzzi tubs and healthy eating, a yoga retreat is more than just a vacation -- it's...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Obstacles to Instructing in Western Public Schools
...a deeply moral and spiritually-connected practitioner; but even in this case, religious instruction is a rarity in a Yoga class. You already know that Yoga does not exclude any group, because of religion, gender, age, color, ethic background, or social status.Yogic philosophy does not preach intolerance, judgment of others, or that ...more
