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Valentine's Day Every Day - The Spirit Of Bhakti Yoga
...ti Yoga Living Yoga, Celebrating LoveValentine's Day comes and goes as a day that people around the world come together to celebrate the spirit of love. However, in the yogic tradition, every day is Valentine's Day. Each moment of our lives is an opportunity to extend and receive love, to let love's higher frequency permeate our thoughts, choices and actions.The yogis dedicate an entire pr...more
Yoga Exercises - Yoga Music The Call Of The Forest v Swan Lake
...oints.Yoga moves and poses encourage the muscles to become fully toned up while at the same time going to work relaxing the nervous system. The power of Yoga should never be underestimated. Body organs are not ignored. Yoga exercises see to the body organs in the way of a rub down similar to that of a massage where it helps detox the body to rid waste toxin build up in the bo...more
Yoga For Kid
...ree. (Please note that the Yoga For Kid program is not a program we are promoting here, it is simply a program you can design for your own children based on yoga principles.)Yoga has proven to be very effective in stress-relief and has also shown to help with hyperactive and attention-deficit issues that many children go through every day. C...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor
...s one of your talents, consider sharing your gift, and teaching yoga professionally.Choosing to be a yoga instructor is easier than you think. If you are a natural leader, who has been practicing yoga for years, you are a great fit for the position already. The next step, in the process, is to learn how to teach others properly. In order to do this, ...more
I Almost Stopped Yoga for this… til I found It's Still Yoga
...push up. Now, although I’m big into exercise and health, one exercise I never really cared too much for is doing push-ups, I just never liked them and only did them occasionally out of necessity.However, these Hindu Push ups seemed different and the benefits associated with them actually sold me to try a few out on the spot.Now if an exercise inexplicably, puts a smile on...more


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