
Live Music Yoga Cl New York City


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Teaching Yoga as Therapy
... for neurological disorders, such as: Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Ataxia, and Parkinson's disease. Yet, there are many more neurological disorders, diseases, and ailments.Students and clients are seeing good results and improvements in their lives. Yogic therapy and medicine can work in harmony to treat any ailment. In the case of postures (asanas): They can be...more
Yoga, Dogma, And Faith
...of energy, in the same way that exercise does for blood.It was in this spirit that I suggested some oki yoga exercises to my cousin when I was 20. My cousin, however, declined. That branch of my family held a particularly strict interpretation of Christianity. When her brother's girlfriend fell pregnant whilst they were both at university, her brother secretly ...more
Yoga and MS
...and destroys the fatty tissue, the myelin surrounding nerves in the brain and spinal cord. These myelin sheaths perform the same function as insulation around an electrical wire. Without the myelin insulation, nerve impulses from brain to body can short out and become confused, misdirected, or be completely blocked. Symptoms can include numbness and/or tingling in the extremities, weakness, lack o...more
Why Yoga is a Good Revenue Stream for a Martial Arts Studio
...rtial arts trade magazines have told you to turn your martial arts center into a child day care, summer camp, or a three ring circus. Parents of your young students asked how many field trips their kids were going on, and you found out you were competing with the Boys and Girls club for "rock bottom day care pricing."Where are you going to get the trans...more
Tibetan Singing Bowl in Meditation
...g the original bowls. But most bowls were made using five metals or less.Today, singing bowls are often made by pouring metal into a cast. These singing bowls are smoother and are generally easier to play. There are also hand-hammered singing bowls on the market. Hand-hammered bowls are more difficult to play, and even though they are often pa...more
