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Prenatal Yoga is More than Classes for Pregnant Yoga Students and you could set yourself up for a negligence lawsuit, if you do not have Prenatal Yoga teacher training.Last year, we had a potential Yoga student, who had two previous miscarriages and wanted to practice Yoga. She had become pregnant again and decided to try Vinyasa Yoga during her first trimester. Upon asking her a few questions, it was disco...more
Facts about Successful Yoga Teachers, Part 2
... help a student in need, regardless of the finances involved.However, there is a big difference between a student who cannot afford to pay you and one who does not want to pay you. The difference is the perceived value of Yoga and his or her present financial circumstances. The poor see a value in Yoga, if they need it, but cannot afford it.Here is an extremely special case:...more
Relieve Back Pain With Yoga
... and blood flow is increased, which means your muscles are getting added nourishment, ultimately creating and training a healthy body.If you are a beginner, you should be performing only beginner's exercises. Several great exercises are perfect for those suffering from lower back pain. With one exercise, you lay on the floor, face down. Then, with palms down, stretch the arms stra...more
Which Yoga Mat Is The Right One For Me?
... you are in one stance or the next. They can also help to provide even a small bit of padding to the knees, the hips, and the back.Here are some of the various types of yoga mats and what they can do for you.The Meditation Mat: This mat is usually purchased with a pillow that goes with it. The combination of...more
Ayurveda, Yoga - Unique Indian Culture
... have a common history and vedic origin, and are the sister practices in the pursuit of physical and mental well being. Yoga is on the practical side of Vedic teachings, while it is on the healing side and both shares a common goal which is attaining union with the Self and they complement and embrace eac...more
