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Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 2
...ractice could be compared to a brief vacation in your daily life.Being able to reconnect your spiritual side is a part of Yoga practice. Regardless of your religion, you will gradually gravitate back toward “your roots.” You do not have to look outside your religion for answers. The answers to life, and ...more
The Benefit of Yoga - Fight or Flight?
...le bowel syndrome would be at the forefront of human conditions and the quality of life today.Outside stress is reflected in the reaction of our nervous system. The input stimuli, known as "Fight or flight" affects both our metabolism and well being. When faced with danger, whether real or imagined, the mind prepares the body for execution of one of these two condit...more
Common Types of Yoga - What Is The Difference for challenging moves. You will find athletes - gymnasts and cyclists all from the fitness world have turned to this type of yoga to add more balance to their concentration to help them in their quest when going for gold.Bikram Yoga: known as hot yoga is where routines are carried out in a very warm room. This is an excellent way for increasing flexibility, heat can stretch body ...more
Yoga History 101
...philosophy on how to live life and deal with the challenges that human beings face daily. The Yoga Sutra defined this philosophy in 195 statements.Sutra can be defined as ‘thread’ or ‘aphorism’, which means ‘a short declaration of truth’. It also means ‘the concentration of a large quantity of information into a simple definition’. It is a way of looking at truths that appl...more
Office Yoga - Four Physical Techniques for Corporate Yoga
... and backward - as you would a bicycle. You can also do the same movement with two legs at once. This cycling movement is most commonly seen in shoulder stand, but we are sitting in an office chair for this one. By using two legs at once, the abdominal muscles, and arms, will work a bit harder.Leg circles ...more


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