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Yoga: Two Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture – The Four-Limbed Staff Posture
..., and legs are strong enough to support the posture. The excellent preparatory posture – the Plank can be practice to prepare the body for this much more challenging posture.The Four-Limbed Staff posture is a great arm and wrists strengthener, developing mobility and power. It contracts and tones the abdominal organs.In this posture the body is kept firm and straight while ...more
Pregnancy and Yoga
...without any trouble but other times it is not so successful. Although a woman knows she must endure what ever pain comes with child birth she may not be aware of the one natural way to minimize the pain. Yoga is often overlooked when it comes to pregnancy but it is probably the most effective. Because yoga is safe, a woman can ...more
Philosophy and Universal Principles of Yoga
...The seeds are all within you, yoga is the water, the sunlight, the nutrients and the love they need in order to make your life vibrant, beautiful and full of sweet fragrance. It is not a religion, it is really a science with which to develop your body, mind and spirit. The ultimate goal of Yoga, which literally means, Union, is to reunite you with the Universal Sour...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Should a Yoga Teacher be a Vegetarian?
... the cultures people are raised in, they are used to the taste of a particular meat. An example of this is the global beef consumption. The Japanese had been used to eating whale meat. There are cultures that have acquired the taste of dogs and cats. Luckily, cannibalism has been outlawed worldwide.Most ...more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
...side, inhales while raising the hands and exhales forcefully while bringing them back to the sides. This practice has the dual benefits of forcing out the accumulated phlegm from the head and also toning abs. the posture of sitting in Vajrasan (kneeling by bending the feet outwards) aids in quick digestion too.The ancient practice of grinding herbs by rolling the pestle in circular motion ...more
