
Siddha Yoga Meditation Center Phoenix


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The Yoga Way to Health and Well Being
...g the body's joints. Regular breathing is performed at the same time which aids in providing oxygen to the muscles, and in turn positively affects bodily structures and organs. The awareness required during yoga practice, ensures that mind and body have to work together to create a mind-body harmony which in turn promotes healing.Yoga will not be a quick fix for a...more
Yoga Teachers, Prepare for the New Year's Rush - Part 3
...r a wall, or in the corner, for stability. In this case, the wall is a secondary prop. Suzanne Deason has some interesting information on using the “Balance Ball” as a prop, in DVD formatFamily Yoga: This is a great concept for most families, but it is worth noting that this type of class can attract some parents who desire to be in control of every aspect of their child’s life. Th...more
What Else Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know about Pranayama? class? Many Yoga students will come to your classes for a variety of pain relieving methods, and some Pranayama techniques usually help alleviate pain.When a person has pain, he or she can think of nothing else. Pain is the companion you wish you never met. Pranayama can help us say goodbye to pain, but it must be performed te...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement Yogic philosophy into my lesson plan?" When is the best time to cover the basics of Yama and Niyama in a Hatha Yoga class? Will I bore the exercise-minded students, who want a "workout?"Cover a little piece of philosophy, in each lesson, as it is related to life in the present moment; just a short idea, without a big lecture, will do, but cover Yama or Niyama regularly.In fa...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
... but it is an option. Some Yoga students must see and feel the physical benefits first, in order to “stick with the program.”Mental health benefits of Surya Namaskar are many, but when anxiety and stress are lowered; the quality of life goes up. With this in mind, the odds of becoming depressed are drastically reduced. Some Yoga students practice Sun Salutations just to keep depression “at b...more
