
Siddha Yoga Meditation Australia


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Pregnancy and Yoga
... their limits. Yoga can also prepare a woman for birth because it relieves the pressure and tension that is associated with the weight of the baby. Carrying a baby puts the body in stress as the ligaments stretch and pull with growth. During labor, when you become tense, uptight and excited all at the same time your body tightens u...more
Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference
...ion of how to use yoga blocks before trying to use them yourself or you could get hurt. If your yoga instructor doesn't use or demonstrate blocks to you, blocks are usually sold with at least written instructions on how to use them. In this case, try to find blocks accompanied by instructional DVDs.Yoga blocks are made from a variety of materials such as cork, bamboo, ...more
Yoga Instructor Aspects - Finding the Guru Within
...This was also written by Swami Mukerji. Similar words have been written or spoken, by Yogis, for thousands of years. So, this has been traditional thought with regard to devotion to one's Guru.However, this level of trust and devotion toward another human being is rare. In the 20th century, more than one "man of peace" was assa...more
Yoga Poses That Might Provide Natural Allergy Relief
...oga poses could even benefit allergy sufferers.Many people who suffer from allergies find it very difficult to do any exercise in particular those which are aerobic, do to shortness of breath and congestion. Obviously if you are very sick and weak you should not be doing any exercise even yoga. The best thing to do is get plenty of rest and allow your immune system to recover if...more
10 Ways To Prevent Middle Age Spread
...ive meals. Eat small, regular meals to keep your metabolism rate up and don't forget to include 5 different types of fruits and vegetables every day.2. Try ChromiumChromium can help table unstable blood sugar levels so you avoid reaching for the biscuit tin after lunch.3.Lift WeightsOn average peopl...more
