
Sacred Yoga Meditation Space


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Yoga Instructor Training - The Importance of Clear Communication
..., but much detailed information is missed, when a teacher is out of breath.The key to better communication, in your classes, when you teach fitness, flow, Vinyasa, or power Yoga, is to demonstrate the first round. After that, walk around the room communicating and assisting your students. In this way, you ...more
Stress Management - Yoga
...while the breathing technique helps to focus and relax at the same time and meditation ensures an overall feeling of well being resulting in a better management of stress.The principle of yoga is that essential thoughts and messages are delivered more effectively when the body is relaxed and the brain is well-oxygenated, helping the body and mind to work more successfully while feeling less tir...more
Weight Loss And Fitness With Yoga
... doesYoga is a form of exercise that works by stimulating and satisfying you on mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. When you find yourself satisfied on all these levels, this increases your understanding of your self-worth. With increased self-worth, you have less of a tendency to turn to overeating or other abusive practices to deal with your issues. Weight loss yoga fi...more
The Secret About Yoga
...t of Basic Yoga PosesUttanasana - Standing Forward Bend or Bend Paschimottanasana - Intense stretch of the west Adho Mukha Svanasana - Downward Facing Dog Bhujangasana - Cobra Dhanurasana - Bow Halasana - Plow Vajrasana - Diamond Pose Shavasana - Corpse Pose Trikonasana - Triangle Pose Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I Pose Virabhadrasana II - Warrior II Pose Tadasana - Mountain ...more
Yoga Mats - Make Your Yoga Exercise Comfortable
...actitioner to sit on and practice more and more.Yoga mats can be made of various materials that guarantee the softness, like cotton, wool, silk and nylon. Some mats are made using foam in the inner layer to provide the cushion feel. There are eco-friendly yoga mats also which are made of the material like Jute. Beside ...more
