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Using Yoga to Manage ADD
...ny ADDers lack.When ADDers report challenges with impulsivity and hyperactivity, they often describe feeling like they don’t have control over their own bodies. They find themselves speaking before thinking their thoughts through, and often regret their words. They constantly fidget, unaware that their bubbli...more
Teaching Yoga To Clients With Multiple Sclerosis, the muscles gain strength and release their tension (lessening spasms). Regular yoga practice also improves circulation and improves oxygen absorption in the brain. This means the brain is getting more of what it needs to perform. Increased circulation directly correlates with improved nerve function, body awareness, and overall well being.Students wi...more
Yoga and Your Health
...tention and concentration span, can help you manage unruly emotions, your learning abilities and your memory will improve, and your self-esteem and level of confidence will improve. This, in addition to the physical benefits produced by the practice of Yoga make it worthwhile, but there are even more benefits...more
Yoga Solutions for Managing Anxiety, Stress, and Negativity
... can be a monumental task, but Yoga practice will make life much easier.Pranayama (breathing), Asana (postures), Mudra (gestures), and meditation, are common Hatha Yoga methods, which are designed to achieve tranquility, harmony, and inner peace. All forms of Yoga will bring the practitioner to a state of bliss.Anxiety attacks can also occur if you are aroun...more
Beyond Flexibility - The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...f a posture on your body. This conscious exploration is quite a different experience of fitness than usually seen at the gym - where loud music, televisions and other external stimuli fight for your attention. You won't see people with headphones on, or reading a magazine, whilst doing yoga.This conscious exploration establi...more
