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Yoga Bags - Main Characteristics and Significance
...tice yoga when we take so much care in selection of yoga mats, than there must be similar cautious approach in selection of yoga bags too. Yoga bags are very helpful in packing essential yoga accessories like yoga mats, props, cushions and yoga clothing. Principally, yoga bags are used to accommodate mats. Yoga mats remain protected, clean and unruffl...more
Yoga and Circulation
...m is sort of like a subway system for the body, transporting substances to and from cells. Because so many things can cause this system to derail – stress, high blood pressure, illness – yoga plays an important role in keeping it on track. Involving a great amount of learning about the importance of every breath a person ta...more
How to Incorporate Yoga in Your Fitness Regimen
...everal people may not want to give up on their existing fitness regimens so they ask: “Well, can I combine it with the exercise I do now?”Sure, why not?As a matter of fact this will not only supplement your current fitness training regimen, it will give it an all-around augmentation.Here’s how to include yoga in your plan based on personal research and study...more
Anatomy Of Yoga - Getting A Solid Foundation
...on.- The best postures for relaxation and meditation.As a Yoga student it can sometimes be too tempting to get caught up in all the little details of the anatomy of yoga rather than focusing on what feels right and good in your body. Especially from a beginners point of view, it may be a better idea to drop the ego in this regard and try to develop an inner fe...more
Even More about Communication Skills for Yoga Teachers
...ntion the particular internal organs, which are massaged and cleansed. Revolved Triangle (Parivrtta Trikonasana), like many Asanas, has many physical benefits, but it develops mental strength, as well. The student / teacher relationship is a “think tank.” Allow your students to participate completely, and the proficiency level of your e...more
