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Yoga Off the Mat - A Lesson From the Ocean
...estion not the answer. It is the place from which we start, not the end that we aspire to.My vision of yoga these days is about aligning with my most authentic self and supporting others in doing the same. And whether I learn it balancing in Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Handstand), chanting a mantra, sitting by ...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Cultivating the Seeds of Success
...rly, a new Yoga student could develop the foundation of self-realization in one Yoga practice session.So, what is the benefit of self-realization? The beginning of the Yogic path is different for all of us. We come to our first Yoga class for a multitude of reasons, but self-realization is empowerme...more
Get a New Lease on Life and Create Peace
...omeone, best to vent on paper and then come back to the real world. After you have vented, you can think more clearly. You can address your issues in a more constructive fashion.In today's hectic, fast-paced world, it is a good idea to see what your mind is up to everyday. Make a habit of getting up and doing the minute breathing followed by a data dump on paper. ...more
Yoga in Practice: A Peaceful Planet
...– you and I know this is not true, but the world needs some time to adjust to Yogic philosophy.You are thinking: “How can the world need more time? Yoga has been around for over 5,000 years and that is plenty of time for people to adjust. The answers must be found within, and then projected outward.”This is true, but warfare, ignorance, a...more
Discover How Yoga can Improve Workplace Safety and Health
... benefits of a corporate Yoga program. Yoga also helps employees develop new life skills such as anger management, stress reduction, moderate diet, healthy living, self-esteem, and much more. The truth is: There are so many benefits to be gained by introducing Yoga into the corporate sector that management is “crazy” not to offer it.Imagine a c...more
