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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...ed blood to the thyroid and parathyroid.However, the condition of a Yoga student’s neck should be a prime concern when performing the shoulder stand. Therefore, in this instance, the standing forward bend with a chin lock, performed in a Sun Salutation, is much less risky.The Sun Salutations will help eliminate toxins from your body. ...more
Certifications For Yoga
...onor the Rank Four coaches and gives the opportunity to the higher-level classes to build on the religion. This is a great recommendation from all those that are now teaching in a gym or spa that took the time to go the distance with this subject.A certification in yoga will give you the chance to learn about:* Kinetics * Meditation * The Chakras * The Band...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
...cking out. This supposedly improves circulation and releases tension.In “Satchmo”, the cheeks are blown out like a saxophone player while in “Marilyn” you blow kisses for full and firm lips. These exercises may be combined with a gentle facial massage.“Running through all of the exercises which comprise a yoga facial takes approximately 15 minutes, and according to advocates should be don...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor
...e? Are you interested in becoming a yoga instructor? Teaching is a wonderful opportunity to enrich your life, and make a difference in the lives of others. If yoga is one of your talents, consider sharing your gift, and teaching yoga professionally.Choosing to be a yoga instructor is easier than you think. If you are a natural leader, who has been practicing yoga for years, you are a great fit fo...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - What Do Hatha Yoga Students Want?
...s do not want to hold Asanas for long. They are so used to stimulation from technology, that short attention spans are common place. This is why Flow Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Power Yoga, are so popular with beginners. To ask them to practice Pranayama and meditation is a big challenge. This would require the mind to focus.There is an old sales and marketing sayin...more
