
Feng Shui Yoga Meditation


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Best Home Based Business - Latest 7 Challenging Home Based Business Ideas excellent knowledge can earn a good income through web-designing and graphic designing.5) Photography and Painting: If you are interested in photography and know at least the basics then you can shine well as a photographer in your family and among friends. If you are good enough, they may suggest you to others and then to others. Do you pl...more
Mantra and Vajrayana Tantrik Practice
...s nature there is no confusion in Hindu tantras and Buddhist tantras. Difference lies in the path, in the implementations of mantras in the sadhana. Path of Hindu tantras are adoration of deity and mantra while path of Buddhist tantras is to conquer the natural forces through various Tantrik means whether it is mantra sadhana or deity yoga.In Hindu tantras we don't ...more
An Objective View of Yoga
...ed anywhere, at any time, in any shape or form.Just by giving people help, without asking for anything in return, you are practicing Karma Yoga. By praying, you are practicing a form of Bhakti Yoga. Also, by seeking and finding the pure, but unobvious truth, you may be practicing Jnana Yoga, (Union by Knowledge).Yoga literally means “Unity” or “Union,” but each Yoga style has within itself a...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Where to Begin
...Once you have become a Yoga teacher, you have taken a vow to help students in need. The atmosphere in your classes, studio, or ashram, should be tranquil. There is no place for a teacher without compassion. Likewise, the teacher with a personal agenda, about getting his or her best workout during class time, will fall short in h...more
Yoga For Better Female Sex Satisfaction
...een found that many wives admit to their sexual life and marital relationship improving after taking up yoga.Please visit Female sexual herbal remedies for more herbal preparations.Dr Rajesh Nair is a Web writer and ayurvedic researcher. Check out his favorite sources for herbal medicines and female sexual medicines.You may freely reprint this article on...more
