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Just a Little Glimpse of Realization!
...a Little Glimpse of Realization! It has been demonstrated by researchers into the physical world that we are the outcome and manifestation of an Absolute condition (call it Energy, God, Soul, Brahman, Atman, Consciousness), back of our present relative condition, and are going forward, to return to that Absolute. This being granted, the question is: Which is better, the absolute or t...more
Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga
...te as required to do so by law found themselves stuck for three to four weeks without power or water. Many of those people who live in the hurricane area know this can happen and they stock up on food and water. Nevertheless without any television, telephones or power there is not a lot you can do.However, if you are into yoga you could simply...more
Teaching Yoga - A Great Job, Even in a Tough Economy
..., if you decide to become a Yoga teacher, this is not an oath to live a life of poverty. There are artists and musicians, who create beautiful work, but never earned a modest living because they did not market themselves and their work.Yoga instructors must do more than teach great classes. It would be so easy if a charitable trust would cover the living expenses o...more
Discover How Great Yoga Can Make You Feel
... proper breathing techniques by listening to the instructor. It is very helpful to watch it a few times before you begin to make sure that you are comfortable before attempting the moves because once you begin, you will take your cues from the audio instruction and not the visual since you will be looking up, down or away from the screen. (This took m...more
Beyond Flexibility - The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...e has passed.That introduction to yoga ignited a deep love of it through which I began to see the more subtle health benefits it brought to my life. Yoga can help with a wide spectrum of physical issues and injuries, but it is also an excellent alternative to the gym for those that find the repetiti...more
