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Yoga For Men
...n, and for good reason. Besides getting rid of stress and increasing flexibility, it may lower the risk of heart disease, depression, and high blood pressure.Everyone experiences stress almost everyday, and men are not exempt from this reality. The contemporary man is expected to be physically and mentally strong and fit to cope wi...more
Yoga and Meditation Meets Science - Anatomy of Yoga
...he premise of yoga and meditation to be able to satisfy our own minds and more important, any skeptics out there, why yoga and meditation has an impact on your mind and body.I just finished reading "Anatomy of Hatha Yoga" by H David Coulter, and let me say, this was a perfect level of explanation and detail that helps me to better understand ...more
Your Yoga Practice - 7 Guidelines For The Ultimate Beneficial Yoga Experience
...plan to have free, and be at liberty to focus on you without interruptions, then that is then the best time for you to practice yoga.The last guideline for a beneficial yoga experience is to consider the PLACE or SPOT to conduct your yoga practice in. What you want is a well ventilated area, but on the other hand not one that is draughty. You need the ventilation as your...more
Are Yoga Balls Helpful for Doing Poses?
...nch diameter ball is a terrific tool. These air-filled balls give support in poses such as backbends hip openers and restorative poses.Balls are shipped un-inflated and include a small hand-held pump. Moreover, they are made from durable vinyl and can support up to 600 pounds.For Moms, kids being kids, they naturally tend to gravitate towards the prop as they too, like you, may be tryin...more
Facts about Successful Yoga Teachers, Part 1
... you will see your finances “crash and burn” - while your students flock to the wealthy Guru down the street. Yoga students often think that free Yoga is “junk.”Once upon a time, I taught free Yoga too. It is not easy to explain a passion to your family, which drains your finances and challenges the quality of your life on a daily basis. If you keep teaching Yoga for free, ...more
