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Benefits of Yoga
...fference. Yoga works differently for different people. For some, the changes may be visible soon, where as for some the changes may be slow. This is because each person is made differently and the body structures and needs of each are different from the other. So always in the practice of yoga, remember not to compare yourself with ano...more
Yoga, Or Creating The Link With God? idea, but an utterly useless one.To take a more cartesian approach, let me start by asking a few basic questions. Do you know why you were born, other than the fact that your parents conceived you and that your mother gave birth to you? Why are you alive? What purpose does your life have, other than knowing that one lives a limited amount of time and when that time is up,...more
Practice Jnana Yoga for Optimum Mental Health
... Yogis read Hindu scriptures to expand their knowledge.Yoga has been around for thousands of years. The Brahmin caste would have had more access to Yogic philosophy, and the scriptures (Vedas), than the average person, at that time.This same parallel can be made to any holy man of any religion. Access to written knowledge, books, and Holy Scri...more
Lower Your Blood Pressure by Practicing Yoga
...wers blood pressure when it’s high. Other asanas which have beneficial effects on the nervous system and help you lower blood pressure are Uttanasana and Adhomukha Svanasana , which have to be practiced with the head resting on props, so the blood circulates more freely into the aortic arch. These help you lower blood pressure.Baddhakonasana and Virasana are some of the sitting...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down
...get a list of all of your Yoga students and prepare for a mailing in late August, or early September.This is the time when children go back to school, and family plans are made for the fall schedule. If you teach Yoga for a living, your first priority is to thank your students for their past participation and remind them that you still teach Yog...more
