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Fitness Coach Warns Golfers AGAINT Yoga and Pilates , says it may be one of the biggest mistake athlete, especially golfers, could make.“Golf demands a high degree of dynamic flexibility performed explosively at very high speeds. Activities like Yoga and Pilates don’t address these demands and can even be destructive to the function of the muscles and tendons,” says Moret. “In high speed activities like golf, the tendons funct...more
Yoga For a Beginner
...ed and it also helps you move more deeply into the poses. If you feel an area of tension in your body, you can direct your breathe to that spot to help it release. If, at any time during a pose, you find that you cannot breathe deeply, either ease up or come out of the pose. Breathing correctly is one of the most important goals in any yoga practice.Yoga for a...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1, liberating Pillar of Yoga. Yama means self-restraint in the sense of self-mastery, or abstention, and consists of five elements. Niyama means observances, of which there are also five. Here is the complete list of these ten Pillars as given in Yoga Sutras 2:30,32:1) Ahimsa: non-violence, non-injury, harmlessness2) Satya: truthfulness, honesty3) Asteya: non-steal...more
Yoga Totes
... in the household, one would have to wonder what in the world the purpose would be for a Yoga tote. Surely, you are not going to pack your stuff up to take it from the living room to your meditation chamber?Of course you are not, but there are still very good uses for a yoga tote. First, before we go too far into it, let us make absolutely clear that the Yoga To...more
Executive Health - How Can You Cope?
...ive way.One of the most important things to understand in life is the relationship between our breathing and our mental state. Ever notice how your breathing changes when someone cuts you off or you perceive a threat coming at you? Usually your breathing gets faster and you are not the calmest person on the ...more
