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Hatha Yoga
... thought to help manage chronic pain more efficiently. This may include back pain, joints or tense muscles.In 2005, it was estimated that there were at least 16,5 million people who practiced Yoga in the United States alone. Hatha Yoga's popularity can be contributed to its benefits to both mind and body. If you have never tried...more
Fitness Coach Warns Golfers AGAINT Yoga and Pilates
... at very high speeds. Activities like Yoga and Pilates don’t address these demands and can even be destructive to the function of the muscles and tendons,” says Moret. “In high speed activities like golf, the tendons function like springs or rubber bands to produce club-head-speed. The slower, more passive flexibility in Yoga and Pilates...more
Stress Relief - 5 Best Tips to Reduce Stress
...l processes in the body.If you do regular exercise, it may help balancing biochemical products within your body system and may promote a healthy balance between body and mind. The exercises that are particularly useful for stress relief are deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, tai chi, massage therapy, normal exercise, and sensory...more
Secrets of Exceptional Yoga Teachers, Part 1
...urself, your family, your friends, and your Yoga students. Do not put pressure on anyone unnecessarily. Some Yoga students have to grow into the practice. You might be unknowingly doing the same to yourself or your loved ones. The key is to become aware of it and always be mindful of others.Take action and ...more
