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Yoga, The Path To Happiness
...swer to this question. Most Yogis (adepts of Yoga) will obviously vouch for their style. But the question you need to ask yourself is not which Yoga path is right for you, but actually to look inside and try to feel your own heart and soul and simply answer this question: What do I want from my life?When you ask Why? you wil...more
Mastering Yoga Poses
... This is the basic practice we know today. Hatha yoga uses healing yoga poses to refresh and stimulate your mind and body. Its popularity is a testament to its powers and it is a great way to ensure a more pain-free and relaxing existence.In our health conscious world, it seems that there is always a new exercise trend. But yoga exerci...more
How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 1
...ctive ways to establish a strong business as a Corporate Yoga Teacher.Yoga offers many health solutions to the masses, but for the corporate world, Yoga offers solutions for accident prevention, injury prevention, employee job performance, and cutting down on “sick time.” Some “forward thinking” companies have corporate fitness centers, group...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Lord Of Dance
... important reasons not to do the Lord of the Dance posture:1) If you have serious lower back injury, avoid practicing this posture.2) In case of knee injury do not attempt this posture.3) If you have High Blood Pressure do not do this posture.Caution: Always check with your doctor if you have any doubts or concerns regarding the suitability of this posture for you. It is best to perf...more
Getting To Know Hatha Yoga
...g their bodies before proceeding to a higher level of meditation. It is said that Hatha Yoga is similar to Raja Yoga which follows the principle of yama which refers to moral self discipline or control. However, there are sectors who believe that Hatha Yoga has its origins as early as the 10th century.American yoga followers usually practice the Hatha Yoga to improve...more
