
Deluxe Yoga Mats


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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...mproved in strength, muscle tone, and overall coordination, when they regularly practice Sun Salutations.Some of them even loss weight, but diet is also a large factor in this. Yet, some that did not lose weight did lower body fat. We know this because privately- trained Yoga students do have their body ...more
What Chair Yoga Teachers Need to Know About Teaching Seniors
...houghtful as most, your students will take their commitment to you and the class very seriously. You probably will have a lot of continuity in the composition of the group. Also, they will often feel like they need to contact you if they will not be in class, especially if they know in advance that they will m...more
Stress Management Through Yoga
...stress due to huge pile of pending work etc. As a result people often practice medications like taking sedatives, narcotics and tranquilizers (medicines to cure anxiety) which calm the mind but in future it creates serious other maladies.But still there is a therapy which is purely natural and is considered...more
The Most Common Types of Yoga
...’. These types of yoga aims at liberation through the verbal or mental repetition of empowered sounds, such as "om", "hum”, or "ram".There are so many yoga institutions to choose from. It is also a good idea that before going into a class, discuss with the teacher first regarding hi or her philo...more
Get Some Peace Of Mind With Yoga Meditation
...hen you begin meditating, you will find that your thoughts are like a busy highway! You just seem to have so many. You may even be saying you don't have the time to meditate.Stop! It may appear as though you don't have time to spend 5, 10, 15 minutes to meditate everyday, but without it the chaos will always be there. No order in the mind will mean no order in the world. You must first find pea...more
