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Fitness Coach Warns Golfers AGAINT Yoga and Pilates their athletic performance. Rafael Moret, CSCS, sport performance coach and owner of , says it may be one of the biggest mistake athlete, especially golfers, could make.“Golf demands a high degree of dynamic flexibility performed explosively at very high speeds. Activities like Yoga and Pilates don’t address these demands and can even be destru...more
Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer
...through them.It is normal to experience high blood pressure when you exert yourself. But if you experience high blood pressure even as you rest, it means that you are suffering from hypertension.High blood pressure can be controlled with prescribed drugs, however due to side effects associated these drugs, a number of people have started opting for natural cures for high bl...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 4
...ou have taught in your Hatha Yoga classes. It is up to the Hatha Yoga teacher to fill the student’s mind with knowledge and encouragement.If it took decades of neglect for a new student to achieve poor health, how can he or she expect a little bit of Hatha Yoga practice to perform miracles? Every aspect of a student’s health will be c...more
Raja Yoga Meditation - Achieving An Integration Of Mind And Body
... everything all over the place. Most of us live with only this sate of mind. Our mind is unsettled. We think about the past. We think about the future, and eventually we are never able to make the best use of our present. As per the raja yoga meditation, Mudha is the next state, where the mind is still unsettled but the intensity is lesser...more
Meditation - Relaxation and Spiritual Exploration
...nd Buddhist zen yoga. What I was looking for was a means of escape from the stresses of my hectic life into deep relaxation. Luckily, I found a great place to get hold of free meditation audios, which of course suited my purposes.I found that starting out with a free audios made it easy to get straight into deep meditation. The audio acts on ...more


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