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Yoga in Practice: Bhakti Yoga
...mplified explanation that I have presented. However, the principles of Bhakti Yoga are there for all Yoga students of every religion.Interestingly, I have heard strong arguments against “oneness” with God. The theory is that God will only let us so close, as we are imperfect. It is true that humans are imperfect, but there is no harm in self-improvement or Yoga.© Copy...more
How To Become A Certified Yoga Instructor At Any Age
...and interest to become a yoga instructor. There are so many books on yoga, courses that you can follow at a yoga training school or at home through CDs and many websites and e-books that can help you become a yoga instructor.Though there are many sources for you to become a yoga instructor, it is better to al...more
Hurricane Power Outages and Yoga
...ply sit there like a pretzel for weeks on the end and be perfectly happy; isn't that special? Perhaps if you are considering waiting out a huge hurricane rather than getting into traffic jams leading out of town only to find yourself 1000 miles away but no hotel rooms available, then it might behoove you to learn yoga.Some people do not like Yoga but that's on...more
Dangers of Kundalini Yoga
...acles and occult powers, which come from Kundalini yoga, do not help in anyway in our spiritual path of self-discovery. To achieve lasting peace, joy and inner happiness we need to conquer the ego and learn to communicate with God, our own soul. If we only desire occult powers it will slowdown and possibly hamper our...more
Understanding Patanajali's Yoga Sutras (11-15)
...s back from the good we can do and our higher purposes in this life.Desire and attachment have held mankind back since the beginning. You can read it in any scripture, from any religion, and you can see it on your television tonight. Desire and attachment are the cause, or excuse, for countless wars throughout our history.Yoga practitioners often talk an...more
