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A Relaxed Mind And Body For Concentration
... of you in the day. Work out the schedule in mind and try to resolve any internal conflicts.There is a second form of meditation, called transcendental meditation. Several pioneers of transcendental meditation are known to have achieved greater heights because of their approach towards life. A calm and composed mind can achieve many things by practicing meditation. It is an anc...more
Natural Insomnia Treatment That Works
...motes peace of mind and calmness. These poses, usually those that are done lying down, are the ones best to relieve stress thus improves insomnia.The aged old treatment is to drink a warm glass of milk before you sleep. It's good to put a dollop of honey to your glass of warm milk to maximize its soothing and relaxing effect to the body. Milk is also high in calcium and magnesium, which, as b...more
Body and Mind Detox - 5 Ways to Better Health
...Smell the sea air and feel the heat of the sun on you.2) Positive Affirmations - affirmations are statements about what you want to do or achieve in the world. These positive statements are repeated continuously out loud. An example could be "I am relaxed and calm in every situation". The statements should be in the present tense.3) Practice Yoga - Yoga is great discipline for relax...more
Yoga in Kerala
...wer over body and breath. At this state the mind gets glued to concentration. The power of control is derived from three sources. A) Control of the body via physical postures. B) Control of the breath by breathing techniques. C) Power of concentration by mental techniques or say willpower.Meditation Self inquiry is the primary focus of med...more
Becoming a Yoga Instructor - Is it a Good Fit for Me?
...for a long time, you may recall an instructor who really helped you achieve something that surprised you. What was it about him/her that made you accomplish what you thought you couldn't? How did you feel afterwards? Now, imagine being able to inspire that same sense of delight and accomplishment in others. Does this sound l...more
