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Weight Loss through Yoga - Loose Weight Effectively!
...ds to effective and lasting weight loss where other techniques have either failed or shown minimal results.Any weight loss program includes regular exercise and a healthy diet. But what's even more important is sticking to the program. This is hard for most people as hectic schedules hinder exercise time, and day-to-day stress brings on emotional eating. Here's where yog...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 2
...Principles of Yoga, Part 2 The emphasis, in most Hatha Yoga classes, is on the physical body. As I have explained to some of my colleagues, “Some form of union is better than no union at all.” This indicates something ancient Yogis knew thousands of years ago. The path of Hatha Yoga will be much easier to follow than the paths of Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, a...more
Practise Yoga And Promote An Overall Healthier Lifestyle! suddenly changes and sleep becomes more sound and fitful;The self-awareness of Yoga practitioners is heightened to such an extent that they are able to focus in on troubled aspects of their lives more accurately, thus allowing them to combat these troubled areas more effectively and at a much greater pace;Ongoing emotional problems that may have been burdening them...more
Even for Asthma, Yoga can be Helpful
...ounter-poses: the Bridge and the Fish Poses. They are indeed very simple to execute and as a matter of fact, the very last pose (the fish pose) is one of the specific poses mentioned by Sri Swami Devananda and IBS Iyengar (two of the most authoritative figures in modern day yoga) as being specifically useful for removing spasms from the bronchial tubes and thus...more
Yoga - Practices and History
...ough that meditation for either the spiritual part or physical part of yoga is the most practiced.A little bit of history on yoga comes from the Indus Valley Civilization that was around somewhere in between six or seven thousand years ago. The earliest accounts of yoga were documented in the Rig Veda. ...more
