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Successfully Eliminate Stress Through The Practice Of Hatha Yoga Techniques
...oga and is widely practiced across the world by lay persons and Yogis alike. It considers the physical form or the human body to be the vehicle for the soul, and lays great importance on physical discipline.The physical discipline is achieved through ‘asanas’ (postures), ‘pranayam’ (breathing exercises) and meditation. ...more
Become Stress Free
... improving health, the psychological and psychiatric professions not only are allowing relaxation techniques to be generally employed but are encouraging their use in hospitals, particularly in relation to stress related disorders.Stimuli, or situations that can trigger states of anxiety, are referred...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
...ove for the Divine, nothing else matters for the devotee, not food, not sex, not wealth, not any earthly pleasure or even responsibility. His love makes his quest by far the most important consideration.Bhakti Yoga is the fastest way, indeed the most direct way, of attaining God Consciousness. This is because love is the strongest emotion an aspirant can feel and it puts other considerations, e...more
How to Succeed as a Yoga Teacher
...n lifted from your mind and you can think clearly.Get rid of all distractions for optimum use of your time. For example: Cell phones, television, time wasting chatter, and Email must wait if you are in the middle of an important project or your studies. You do not have to live the lifestyle of a Spartan,...more
An Introduction To Yoga For Beginners and awareness, as well as overall physical fitness.The exercises involved emphasize slow fluid movement, avid concentration, flexibility and conscious breathing techniques. As the exercises tend to be slow and controlled, if performed correctly, they will result in an invigorating workout, which makes this form of yoga a great way to shap...more
