
Usa Yoga Mat


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Yoga Options for Managing Anxiety
... options for ridding your body of toxins, negative energy, stress, and daily anxiety. Yoga postures (Asanas) are most commonly known, but Yoga breathing techniques (Pranayama) are very beneficial; most can be practiced any time of the day.The worst action you can take is to ignore anxiety. Anxiety requires a pla...more
Yoga For Weight Loss
...e weight. Yoga is very effective at reducing stress in your life, and a person living a stress free life tends to have fewer self sabotaging bad habits like compulsive overeating.There may not be a proven medical link for weight loss through yoga, but this doesn’t mean that yoga isn’t beneficial. Yoga contributes to your general wel...more
Can Yoga Boost Immunity To Fight Viral Attacks?
...mproving the functions of respiratory and digestive systems.Common cold, a mild infection in the nose and throat by a virus, can be prevented by doing a regular ling mudra along with the kapalbhati pranyama (breathing technique), which results in inhaling more oxygen in to lungs thereby curing cold.Hence Yoga practice he...more
Yoga Empowers Divorced Women - 7 Benefits That Will Change Your Life
...m in a much better place today I still rely on my practice to take out the trash in my mind and connect me with the purity of my soul.My yoga guru, Govindas, explains the meaning of yoga to be the total balance of mind, body and spirit. Well no wonder this is the absolute best fix for a woman going thru a...more
Understanding Patanjali's Yoga Sutras - 16-18
... settle the mind.To find one’s true nature, and possibly learn why we instinctively react, is a gift. Within all of us are characteristics, which we might want to purge, but some are for self-preservation. The opinion of others has only a small effect on your Samskara.Here are just three profound Yoga Sutras, but you could...more


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