
Ultra Yoga Mat


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The History And Principles Of Yoga
... have so far eluded them.The harmonious feelings that yoga can bring into a busy household makes for happier and closer families. The many modern afflictions, addictions and bad habits that are so prevalent in our socities today can so easily be off-loaded when the body and mind become balanced with one another through Yoga practise.The convenience ...more
The Diamond Pose - An Essential for the Yoga Beginner
...your right leg and keep the heel right under the buttock.Similarly, lean to the right and bring the left leg under the left buttock. Keep the knees close to each other, spine erect.Keep the head, shoulder and buttocks in one plane. Rest the palms on each other and then on the upper part of the thighs.Look straight, then close the eyes and maintain the final posture for a while....more
Yoga Basics
... The word yoga originates from Sanskrit, which is an ancient language from India. It means union particularly of the body, spirit and mind. The yoga that we know today is what is termed as asana, which pertains to postures and poses.Asana is just one of the eight types of yoga. It is more physical compared to the other types of yoga, which are more di...more
The ABC's of Kundalini Yoga
... the yogis? A sense of unity and spiritual conversion.Moreover, it was Yogi Bhajan who presented Kundalini yoga to the west in 1969. It is directed more on Pranayama and Mantra; and the revived Kundalini passes through the centers of counsciousness, or the Seven Chakras, in the human body. Each of these Chakras gives a particular gift and adventure when triggered...more
Yoga Teacher Training and Yoga Certification Choices
... into thinking that you will learn to become a competent Yoga teacher in a single weekend. It just does not happen that quickly.The study of Yoga is a continuous and never ending journey. Teaching Yoga requires that you become a perennial Yoga student for life. Whichever method you choose to reach your goal as a Yoga teacher, remember that co...more


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