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Zen And The Art Of Golf still the same as it was 20 years ago. Even with all the new technology in equipment and video analysis.Everyone seems to be teaching or learning the perfect swing, but little do people realize that almost no one has a perfect swing, not even the pros, even if we are taught the correct way in the beginning. Each of us has a certain way of swinging the club. ...more
Yoga For Wrinkles?
...ossible with the tongue sticking out. This supposedly improves circulation and releases tension.In “Satchmo”, the cheeks are blown out like a saxophone player while in “Marilyn” you blow kisses for full and firm lips. These exercises may be combined with a gentle facial massage.“Running through all of the exer...more
Yoga in Practice - The Organized State of Mind
... to contemplate each solution - one at a time. If you have time, after a Yoga session, make a habit of writing ideas on paper, or enter them on your PC.The act of writing about a perceived solution will more likely result in taking positive action. Rather than, finding a solution, and then forgetting it. The world's greatest inventions required a person to thin...more
How Long Does It Take to Become a Certified Yoga Teacher?
...y serious and focused career as well. Many people, who want to become yoga instructors, often wonder how long training takes in order to become a certified instructor. The answer varies - depending on your level of commitment to learn. Outlined below is the general criteria needed to become certified.Where to B...more
How To Become A Certified Yoga Teacher Without Leaving The House
...cher Without Leaving The House Yoga is a form of exercise that proves to be effective in cleansing the body, relaxing the mind and increasing the flexibility of the body. With this, many health problems can be addressed through yoga. This is why more and more people turn to yoga teachers to help them cure their health problems. ...more
