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Kriya Yoga And The Nature Of The Journey
...tely, like many similar "spiritual" power structures, it teaches you that essentially your power lies outside of yourself - that is, that you need a 'guru', or 'master' to access your own innate spirituality.Kriya yoga has some aims which sound both appealing and promising. They aim to eliminate "obstructions" and "obstacles" from the mind a...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga for Arthritis
...with arthritis will tell you, that to move at all, sometimes hurts, remaining completely sedentary is not healthy either. Arthritis patients are encouraged by their doctors to participate in low impact exercises to improve movement.Many higher impact activities can cause further damage and discomfort. As a result of t...more
Tips For Fast Weight Loss - The 3 Most Powerful Ways To Lose Weight
..., a $25 video and you're ready to go.Let me be frank, if you give me the excuse that you still won't be able to find the time to do it, you need to go back and do a better job of assessing your goals. If you're still thinking that way, your goals are not strong enough.By chance if you do happen to go out and do one, two or all of these activities and continue to ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: Don't Forget Beginners
...e about this, or any Yoga subject, get the continuing education required to help your students.The demand for Yoga teaching services is great. Grow with your Yoga students. You are already a few steps ahead on the path of unity. That is the definition of any teacher: "One who has been there before." Your mission is to show them “the way.”Do no...more
Yoga Apparel
...or is wearing and other students in the class. Notice how comfortable they feel and how well they are able to move around with ease.If you are taking yoga at a special school inquire about the line of clothing that they would recommend. Some schools offer their own line of clothing as well. If not they can direct you to a website or a catalog that you can find what you need. You can also do your o...more


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