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Home Based Business Ideas, why not share your expertise in this to have a lucrative home based business as a yoga instructor. You can also advertise at schools, the local YMCA and other places frequented by families of your services as a yoga instructor.Another feasible home-based business idea to start is tutoring. Just advertise extensively, and you will soon start getting requests. Experts in financial consulting c...more
The Essence of Yoga
...ption of one's individual consciousness in the essence of God.As you probably noticed, modern yoga as it is typically practiced today is heavily influenced by steps three and four - asana and pranayama. These practices purify the mind and body and assist in the meditative effects of steps five through eight.The yoga, as explained above is called hatha yoga. There are other for...more
Yoga Insights: Walking Yoga Meditation per inhale and how many foot steps per exhale. This is your own natural breathing pattern and it may be difficult to get the typical Yogic breathing - One part inhale to two part exhale ratio.An example of the one to two Yogic breathing patterns would be: You inhale for three steps and exhale for six steps. Please bear in mind that each of us...more
The Purpose of Yoga- Transforming Anxiety into Self-Mastery with Pranayama
...ith Pranayama How can Yoga help you convert anxiety into something positive? How can you take charge of your life and declare self-mastery? Can Yoga really empower you to master anxiety?Anxiety can be created by any number of situations, including your alarm clock, the commute to work, being in a lar...more
The Almost Perfect Yoga Studio on building strong backs because the back particularly the spine is the essence of a strong body.Some yoga studios go as far as offer video and audio materials to members. This is very helpful so that even when members are too busy to go to the studio they can do their exercises at home or the more diligent students can study in preparation for their classes. If all...more


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