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The Role Flexibility Plays In Improving Your Health
... increasing flexibility.I also like yoga because it goes well beyond your typical stretching routine. It works muscles in combination and includes smaller muscle stretches that are easy to overlook, but are very important to how well your body works.Finally, I've found that diminishing flexibility is almost always accompanied by stress. Yoga doesn'...more
Giving the Inner Sanctum Its Own Room - Create a Yoga Room for Your Home
... want to think about is the installation of hardwood or cork floors. Already carpeted floors are also sufficient.Ideally, you want to choose a room that gives you enough space to stretch out on a the floor lengthwise. The ceiling should be high enough to allow you to stand on the tips of your toes with your arms stretched as high overhead as you can reach. If there are bound t...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 2
...abits to avoid. Avoid practicing Yoga for material gain or to acquire psychic powers. Anything of value should be used to help those you can. There is nothing wrong with earning a living or bettering yourself, but you should always help anyone you can.As a Yoga practitioner, you are an ambassador of Yoga. An “air of superiority” should be avoided by all Yogis and Yoginis. This is seen as arr...more
Explore The History Of Yoga - The Beginning For more than 2,000 years, students have gained insight into a wealth of knowledge arising from ancient Vedic scriptures. And, you can do. Thanks to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.Written two millennia ago, The Yoga Sutras gives us insight into the rich history of yoga. It also teaches us how to achieve enlightenment by t...more
Breast Cancer Awareness and the Benefits of Practicing Yoga Daily
...t it only about 15 or so years ago that Time informed us that men and women are different?Studies in North America, Europe, and Asia have shown that women who exercise at moderate to vigorous levels for more than three hours per week have a 30%-40% lower risk of breast cancer. This reduced risk was found in women regardless of their family history of breast cance...more
